Monday, June 3, 2013

Not Dead Yet!

Life takes lots of turns.  Sometimes they’re good, sometimes they’re not. 

Mine has had a lot of good turns of late, but they’ve kept me from keeping up on blogs.

Even this shot is way out of date, but it does represent more of what I’m likely to shoot from here on out. 

I just completed a move.  Well, I’m now in just one residence… actually completing a move is complicated and very time consuming.

At any rate, I no longer have a stellar view from the porch. 

But I do have a nice walk downtown to see the ships that I watch creep under the bridge from either the living room or bedroom windows! 

This was shot a couple of weeks before the actual move, from a spot almost due north from where I’m currently seated. 


More than forty five years ago, when I was knee high to a grasshopper, this little patch of water marked the only way north to Washington from Astoria, and I remember it. 

We slid past these pilings after idling aboard the ferry on the way to my grandparents’ place in South Bend, WA.

Now,it’s very quiet at the ferry slip unless the wind is up.  Certainly there’s no line of cars backed far up 14th Street.  I do remember sitting there for portions of hours on end (life transpires at different rates, depending of the decade that you’re experiencing…I remember days, but minutes are a lot more likely)

I would never have imagined in that long-ago time that one day in the distant future that I would be living just a couple of blocks from where the brakes has been set.

And yet, here I am!  Easily within reasonable distance of several generations of ferry passengers awaiting their ride  north.

1 comment:

Shawn said...

I love these photos. Beautiful. I hope you post more soon. There's nothing like these big ships and the ocean, and the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

The best to you--
